Café Liégeois & The Economic Youth Forum (RJCCQ)

Café Liégeois has concluded a partnership with the “Regroupement des Jeunes Chambres de Commerce du Québec” (RJCCQ) for the holding of the Economic Youth Forum. From the 19th to the 20th February 2016, leading figures from the business world will intervene to exchange with the youth under the theme “The sharing economic and publics authorities”.

Speakers such as Alexandre Taillefer (Main partner of XPND), Eve Paré (CEO of the Hotel Association of Greater Montréal) and Jeremi Lavoie (Director of Car2go) will participate in the various panels offered by the organizers.

A cocktail will take place on the Friday evening, sponsored by the company Pur Vodka of Nicolas Duvernois. Café Liégeois will be there on Saturday morning to wake you up and give you the required energy to face a day filed with rich exchanges.

To purchase tickets, go on the following link:

Don’t hesitate, register quickly!

Café Liégeois & Economic Youth Forum (RJCCQ)

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